To those of you (from earlier cohorts/years) who have either submitted your MSc dissertation and are awaiting your final result...or those who want confirmation of unit marks and/or resits....please read on......
The Tier 2 Board of Examiners meeting takes place on
Monday 12th November. Results of awards/unit marks and resits will be compiled and then distributed by the
Programme Office. You will be notified by post within 10-14 days.
PLEASE DO NOT ask your supervisor or any course tutors to divulge marks or final results. It is a serious
DISCIPLINARY OFFENCE for any member of academic staff to pass on marks and results to please don't send them emails begging for news or turn up expecting to be leaked information. You will all be notified at the same time via the proper channels. Staff who 'cave in' to students demanding results prematurely risk their jobs !
If your address has changed you must notify us - or your awards letter will go to the address we have on file. Any updates to your address should be sent directly to the EGS Programme Office ( and
NOT tutors (or me).
Good luck