Ecological Monitoring for Habitat Management
A reminder of the Masters conference on next Monday 25th March. A really good programme in Ecology and Environmental Science.
All welcome but lunch provided only for Countryside Management MSc students.Please register with Dr Francis Brearley ( )Venue: Sandra Burslem Building, Rooms 2.05 and 2.10. All Saints Campus
Monday 25th March 2013
09.45 Arrive and tea/coffee
10.10 Welcome and Chair
Simon Caporn
10.15 The Thinking Behind the Environmental Change Network (ECN): Measuring the
Causes and Consequences of Environmental Change
Don Monteith (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology)
10.45 Nitrogen Deposition Impacts on UK Plant Communities
Richard Payne (University of Stirling)
11.15 The Acid Waters Monitoring Network
Clair Gray (Queen Mary, University of London)
What Can We Do With Long-Term Plant Data?
Sarah Whild (Manchester Metropolitan University, Shrewsbury Office)
12.15 General Discussion
12.30 Lunch and MSc course poster viewing
From Grey to Green - The Importance of Recording Wildlife
Matt Holker (Greater Manchester Ecology Unit)
2.00 Size Matters! Monitoring Change at the Landscape Scale - The SCaMP Experience
Peter Worrall (Penny Anderson Associates)
3.00 General Discussion
3.15 End