Thursday, 27 November 2014

Internships Available Sep. 2015

Prof. Callum Thomas has asked me to draw your attention to internships available:

Opportunity for an Environmental Intern to join us for 12 months starting next September (2015). The role is advertised on our careers site and closes 14th December.

Nicky Sidebottom
Talent & Resourcing Specialist
HR Service Centre

Unit Changes NEXT WEEK!

Hi all,

This is just a reminder that your new MSc units go live next week:

6F7Z3003 (Leon: Science unit) - E417 (1-3pm) and E239 (4-6pm)
6F7Z3005 (Callum: Aviation unit #1) - E217 (1-3pm and 4-6pm)
6F7Z3008 (Elias: EO & GIT) - E244 (1-3pm) and E249 (4-6pm)

The Research Design and Methods unit remains in E421 @12pm as before.


Wednesday, 1 October 2014

EMB Students

Those of you studying EMB will hopefully be aware that your first session this week over at the Business School will take place on Friday:

5U7Z0045 : Project management concepts & practices
NBS 7.03

This has been confirmed by Lewis Endlar who is running the unit


Students leaving us .....

A fond farewell to those of you about to hand in your lovely new MSc dissertation this week.

Please remember that the copies you submit should be hard-bound (like the ones on the shelf in E402) and not soft bound.

Soft bound copies may bar the work from being presented to the Board.


Friday, 26 September 2014

Course Reps Needed

Hi everyone,

I need to designate some course reps when we meet again on Wednesday next week. I am therefore looking for some volunteers to come forward and nominate themselves as a course rep.

I will need two or 3 three in total to cover:


As some courses overlap, a rep may cover two courses. Nobody needs to feel that they have to be a rep - just because they are the only student enrolled on a course!

If you are interested, please email me ( to say you are interested and if more than one person wants to be a rep for the same course, we can have a death match (only kidding) a vote, next Wednesday.


Sunday, 21 September 2014

Welcome new 2014-15 Students

A warm welcome to all our new students starting next week.

If you are a full-time student (or Year 2 PT student), your first lecture will be Research Design and Methods in room E421 at 12pm.

If you are a Year 1 part-time student (or a full-time student after the RD&M lecture) taking EMSD/EMB/SA, your first lecture is Policy for Sustainable Development in room E417 at 1pm. Your second session is then in room E249 at 4pm.

If you are a GIS student, your first lecture is RD&M at 12pm in E421, and then you should have confirmed which room you are in with the GIS team (officially it is SB 3.01 - but this may be different as you are a lone student on this course).

ALL of you have a coffee hour in the senior common room (E402) from 3-4pm.

Timetable info is available from HERE


Saturday, 24 May 2014


Prof. Callum Thomas has notified me that there is a 1-day workshop to which you are invited.

On 23rd June on E0.03

PG students may observe (with limited active participation – for purely practical reasons). Places limited to 10. Students should book a place with Paolina Ferrulli ( on a first come first served basis.

More info available HERE

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

MSc Conservation Conference

Hi everyone,

You are all hereby invited to attend a conference for the MSc students in the Biology area (including the ‘old’ EGS Countryside Management) and this is to be held on Monday April 7th in JD Building in T0.03 from 10.30-4.45.

You may download a flyer >HERE<

Some of the programme will be quire relevant to EMSD and EMB students.


Thursday, 20 March 2014

World Symposium on Sustainability at Universities

World Symposium on Sustainability at Universities (WSSD-U-2014),
Manchester, UK 3-5 September 2014

I am pleased to announce the World Symposium on Sustainability at Universities (WSSD-U-2014), which will be held in Manchester, UK on 3-5 September 2014. This will follow-up a highly successful event held in Rio de Janeiro last year, parallel to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Link HERE.

With this Call for Papers, we are seeking contributions from suitably qualified academics, research groups and students working in the field of sustainable development as a whole,and concerned with research on sustainability, on curriculum greening and campus activities,in particular. This Call is also meant to engage colleagues undertaking
practical initiatives and projects aimed at promoting sustainable development at universities,or where universities transfer information and know-how to developing countries.WSSD-U-2014 will also offer a good platform for those undertaking local, national and international projects, where it can be showcased how higher education institutions are
putting the principles of sustainable development into practice.

You can download a PDF flyer HERE

If you are unterested in attending this event, please contact Dr Liz Price ( directly.

Monday, 17 February 2014

Aircraft Noise Workshop

On April 2nd, CATE is hosting a workshop on Aircraft Noise (see attached). If you would like to attend, please contact Delia Dimitriu to register if you would like to attend: You can download more information HERE.

Jonathan Porritt Event

Have you heard about this Jonathan Porritt event?

As part of the SEEG launch on 26th February. The main event is from 5pm onwards, but at 4pm we have a special session for Postgraduate students, and we would like EMSD/EMB/SA students to have the opportunity to come too.

Wednesday, 26th February, 4pm
As a postgraduate student you are very privileged to be able to take part in 'Question Time with Jonathon Porritt' prior to hearing our guest speaker, the eminent writer, broadcaster and commentator, talk about sustainability transformation and the role that you can play in this process. Here is the link for further information and to sign up on Eventbrite.
Places are limited for this event, so please book as soon as possible.
Liz Price

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Royal Meteorological Society Talk

Date: Tuesday 18 February 2014
Time: 18:00 (17.40 for refreshments)
Location: Manchester Metropolitan University, C0.14, John Dalton Building, Chester Street, Manchester, M1 5GD

Speaker: Dr Chris Dearden, University of Manchester

Through the wind and the rain: New insights into high impact weather affecting the UK

Damaging winds and heavy precipitation in Western Europe are associated primarily with large-scale storms approaching from the North Atlantic. Such high impact weather events often manifest themselves as smaller features embedded within the storm, e.g. fronts. Although we can forecast the timing of a frontal passage well nowadays, the details of precisely when and where the most intense precipitation and strongest winds will occur remain extremely difficult to forecast accurately.

In this presentation, Dr. Chris Dearden will talk about his involvement in the DIAMET campaign, a UK-based field project whose aim is to advance our understanding of severe weather phenomena within large-scale storms. Chris will focus on the role of cloud processes and the importance of snow and ice, and how we are using the results from DIAMET to help improve our ability to forecast the weather on the scale of counties rather than countries.

As always, the meeting is free and open to all without registration.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Slight changes this Wednesday

Hi everyone taking 6F7Z3003 (Science unit),

There has been a slight change to the usual programme this coming Wednesday 5th February – because of an undergraduate Visit Day event.

Coffee (3-4pm) will now take place in E423 rather than the usual E402
The 4-6pm slot will take place in the 4th floor PC lab (E409)

Unfortunately…we may have to share the E409 lab with some Visit Day visitors (A’ level students and their parents!)…but the MAGICC software is only installed in E409 so there is no workaround. Apologies for this.


Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Eighth AGM of the Section will be held at 6.30pm on 26 March 2014 in Room E0.05, John Dalton East Building, Manchester Metropolitan University

The AGM will be followed by a talk by Alastair Driver FCIEEM (Environment Agency), entitled “To Hell and Back - the story of the Thames Restoration”.

A provisional agenda and nomination form are HERE – the deadline for nominations is 21 February 2014

For more information, including a map showing the location of the venue, please see:

About the North West England Geographic Section...
CIEEM has 11 Geographic Sections, providing a local presence for CIEEM members within every geographic area of the UK and Ireland. Each Section is run by a Committee of volunteers whose function it is to promote CIEEM’s work and membership in their area through running regional events, engaging with other professional bodies, responding to issues of local concern to members and providing networking with like-minded professionals and students.

The North West England Section would like to invite you to take just a few minutes to fill out a short survey to help inform the events and activities that they run on your behalf. Your responses by Friday 28th February 2014 would be appreciated.

How to get involved with the North West England Section Committee
Every member of a Geographic Section Committee is a volunteer with a busy day job or other commitments. The support of the wider CIEEM membership in volunteering to be part of their Section Committee, or simply providing support with running an event, is vital to ensuring that each Geographic Section can offer the best support to members and the profession in their area. This is a valuable opportunity to have an active role in the activities of your professional body. If you can spare some time to help out, or would like more information on becoming a member of the North West England Section Committee, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing or visiting

Many Thanks
Vicky Bowskill
Geographic Sections Coordinator

Monday, 20 January 2014

Spring Research Seminar Series

Hi everyone,

There are some interesting seminars this term - some of which would be very suitable for you to attend. You may download a list of the seminars as a PDF HERE

MSc Field Trip

Hi all and Happy New Year !

I have sent out the following email to those of you who started this year:

Hi all,

As you all know, there is an MSc field trip in the Lake District that runs from:

Monday 31st March – Thursday 3rd April inclusive (4 days / 3 nights).

Full-time students taking EMSD/EMB/SA would normally be expected to attend.
The trip is also open to PT and PT/DL students who wish to attend (strongly advised to attend).

The trip includes a formative assessment for Research Design & Methods. I am allowing PT/PT-DL students to attend in their first year so they can stay with their own cohort and familiar friends – but you are welcome to attend the trip next year if you prefer (as part of year 2). I amalso happy for PT stduents from last year to attend if they wish.

The trip is a very valuable way of getting hands-on experience of specialist field equipment used in industry – as well as standard techniques for both field data collection and laboratory analysis.

The trip has an “earth, air and water” format which includes activities as diverse as air pollution monitoring, GIS, spectroradiometry, vegetation and soil assessment and water analysis. Even if you do not intend to use such techniques in your future career, you may be supervising people who do.

The cost is £120 which includes transport, accommodation, breakfast and lab fees etc.

I have attached a brochure for you to look at HERE

Please email me confirmation of your attendance no later than the end of Wednesday 22nd January this week.