Monday, 17 February 2014

Aircraft Noise Workshop

On April 2nd, CATE is hosting a workshop on Aircraft Noise (see attached). If you would like to attend, please contact Delia Dimitriu to register if you would like to attend: You can download more information HERE.

Jonathan Porritt Event

Have you heard about this Jonathan Porritt event?

As part of the SEEG launch on 26th February. The main event is from 5pm onwards, but at 4pm we have a special session for Postgraduate students, and we would like EMSD/EMB/SA students to have the opportunity to come too.

Wednesday, 26th February, 4pm
As a postgraduate student you are very privileged to be able to take part in 'Question Time with Jonathon Porritt' prior to hearing our guest speaker, the eminent writer, broadcaster and commentator, talk about sustainability transformation and the role that you can play in this process. Here is the link for further information and to sign up on Eventbrite.
Places are limited for this event, so please book as soon as possible.
Liz Price

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Royal Meteorological Society Talk

Date: Tuesday 18 February 2014
Time: 18:00 (17.40 for refreshments)
Location: Manchester Metropolitan University, C0.14, John Dalton Building, Chester Street, Manchester, M1 5GD

Speaker: Dr Chris Dearden, University of Manchester

Through the wind and the rain: New insights into high impact weather affecting the UK

Damaging winds and heavy precipitation in Western Europe are associated primarily with large-scale storms approaching from the North Atlantic. Such high impact weather events often manifest themselves as smaller features embedded within the storm, e.g. fronts. Although we can forecast the timing of a frontal passage well nowadays, the details of precisely when and where the most intense precipitation and strongest winds will occur remain extremely difficult to forecast accurately.

In this presentation, Dr. Chris Dearden will talk about his involvement in the DIAMET campaign, a UK-based field project whose aim is to advance our understanding of severe weather phenomena within large-scale storms. Chris will focus on the role of cloud processes and the importance of snow and ice, and how we are using the results from DIAMET to help improve our ability to forecast the weather on the scale of counties rather than countries.

As always, the meeting is free and open to all without registration.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Slight changes this Wednesday

Hi everyone taking 6F7Z3003 (Science unit),

There has been a slight change to the usual programme this coming Wednesday 5th February – because of an undergraduate Visit Day event.

Coffee (3-4pm) will now take place in E423 rather than the usual E402
The 4-6pm slot will take place in the 4th floor PC lab (E409)

Unfortunately…we may have to share the E409 lab with some Visit Day visitors (A’ level students and their parents!)…but the MAGICC software is only installed in E409 so there is no workaround. Apologies for this.
