Friday 4 October 2013

Royal Meteorological Society talk

Date: Tuesday 8 October 2013
Time: 18:00 (17.40 for refreshments)

Location: Manchester Metropolitan University, C0.14, John Dalton Building, Oxford Road, Manchester, M15 6BH
signs will be up inside the building on the day to direct you to room T0.03

SPEAKER: Dr James Allan, University of Manchester and National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Title: Atmospheric particulates and climate: Big effects, big uncertainties

Aerosols, or particulates, in the atmosphere are known to have a major effect on climate, but they are also very poorly understood. They are both naturally occurring and caused by human activities and their effects depend on many properties such as what they are made of, how big they are, how many there are and where in the atmosphere they are. This talk will focus on efforts to measure these aerosols and their effects such that we can understand them better and make more accurate predictions of climate change. Proposed methods of utilising aerosols to offset global warming will also be discussed.

As always, the meeting is free and open to all without registration.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Mike Bennett

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